The Everyday Problems

It was a rainy Friday in fall. Jesse was awakened by alarm clock. He heard his adopted sister saying, “Oh no, the bread is spoiled.” Jesse got dressed and went out: “Alright, just throw it into the trashcan. I’ll give you the money for groceries.” Then he checked out the fridge and realized they need to buy more groceries. “Never mind, I’ll get the groceries after work. There will be too many items for you,” Jesse said.

Poor Alexandra, she was only eight, Jesse thought. Her mother died when she was a baby. In the spring, her father was killed in a car accident. Alexandra’s other family members could not take care of her, so Jesse’s mom, the deceased man’s girlfriend, adopted her. Moving to a new town made things harder. Jesse sighed.

Jesse and Alexandra had Graham crackers for breakfast. At least we wouldn’t need to do dishes, Alexandra thought. Then she headed out the building with her brother. The bus station was right across from their home.

Jesse’s mother was still sleeping when her children went to school. She went to the bar after work yesterday as usual. The woman was still troubled by her boyfriend’s death. Luckily, she occupied the best bedroom (a.k.a. the only proper bedroom) at home and never needed to worry about her kids. Jesse and Alexandra were okay at school and supportive at home. It was also safe and convenient for them to go around the town by bus.

On the bus, Jesse called his best friend Brian: “Hello, is your dad driving you to school?”

“Yup, does Alexandra need a ride to her school again?” Brian knew his friend’s situation. His little sister Laura is also Alexandra’s classmate.

“Yes…” Jesse felt sorry. Next to him Alexandra bowed down her head.

Brian agreed: “It’s okay. Dad, please wait for Jesse and Alexandra when we arrive.”

“Of course. It’s pretty convenient to pick her up when I drop you off,” said Brian’s dad.

The bus arrived Jesse’s school. Brian’s father was already waiting for Alexandra. She said goodbye to her brother and got into the car.


After his second class, Jesse received a call from an unknown number. “Hello?”

“Hi, this is Ms. Smith, Alexandra’s head teacher. Are you Jesse?”

“Yes, but I’m at school now. Can’t you call my mother?”

“I emailed and later dialed your mother several times before, but she never responded. According to Alexandra, you are the one who mainly takes care of her. I really need to talk to her family member as soon as possible. May I talk to you instead? I will only take you two minutes.”

“Alright, if it’s urgent.” Jesse was nervous. What happened to Alexandra that her teacher had to call him?

“I need to inform you that Alexandra is depressed. Now she has trouble paying attention in class and sometimes skips classes. You and your mother MUST do more for her psychological well-being. Spend more time with her; tell her that you love her, both in words and in action. If this continues, it will become a matter of child neglect. Please let you mother know the situation too. Can you or your mother come to school this afternoon? I’d like to talk to you guys.”

“Sorry, I need to work right after school today. My mom also needs to work in the afternoon. I will talk to my mom, but I really need to go to class now.”

“Alright…I will try my best to reach out to your mother. Go to class now.” Ms. Smith hanged up and sighed.

Jesse went to the art class, one of his favorite classes, but he was very distracted. He tried to relieve stress by painting as he used to. It didn’t work. Jesse kept thinking about Alexandra.


At lunch time, Jesse sat with his best friend Brian.

“What happened? You look pretty upset.” Brian spoke up first.

Jesse sighed and looked down. “I’m having a hard time just making through each day…”

“What happened? Did you get into trouble at work?”

“My mom… Frankly speaking, she’s just irresponsible.”

“Ah, I’m so sorry to hear about that. Doesn’t talking to her work?” Brian couldn’t imagine how bad that would be.

“I don’t even have a chance to talk to her. Usually, she is still sleeping when we head out. When I get home, she is at work and only returns after we go to bed.”

“Is this why you always ask me whether my dad can pick up Alexandra?”

“Maybe. She goes to work in the early afternoon and finishes work around 9 p.m., but then she goes to the bar or something. I need to come here the next morning and can’t wait ‘til she comes back. I mean, my mom should have the time to take Alexandra to school. I’m very sorry for bringing your dad troubles.” Jesse bowed down his head again and covered his face with his hand.

“It’s not a trouble for us. Just let me know if you need my help.” Brian patted Jesse on his shoulder.


Back home, Jesse’s mother just got up. She felt headache due to the drink last night. Maybe it was the sorrow from the death of Alexandra’s father, she thought. The woman dragged herself out her room. Okay, the kids did the dishes. She put away the clean dishes and took out the trash. Then she paused in front of the dumpster.

“When was the last time I went on a date with him?” she thought. “It was wonderful. I miss him so much. I already moved to a new town, but every day I still think about him when I see Alexandra…” Then her alarm clock went off. It was time to go to work. She sighed and walked to her car.


Jesse had to go to work right after school. Luckily the café he worked at is right across from his school. Before his shift started, he texted Alexandra:

Go home right after school

I’ll take care of the groceries

Alexandra obeyed after she saw the message. She texted back on the bus:


I’m on the bus now

Alexandra went home. She locked the door and turned on the TV. Homework wasn’t fun. Alexandra sighed. She switched to cartoon channel and watched TV until it was dark outside.

Jesse was exhausted after work, but things weren’t done. He had to go to the grocery store and only returned home at 8:30. When he finally got home, Jesse put down the grocery bag and lied on the sofa right away. His backpack was also left on the kitchen floor.

“Alexandra, can you put away the groceries?” Jesse asked, “I’m so tired.”

Alexandra nodded. She put away her homework and opened the fridge. Inside were only some butter and half a jar of strawberry jam. Alexandra put milk, bread, and the peaches into the fridge. Then she put peanut butter and cereal into the pantry below the countertop. There was no enough space for a regular pantry, but the space below the countertop was enough for the family as they didn’t have time to cook at home often.

After putting away all the groceries, Alexandra asked, “What shall we have for dinner? I’m hungry now.”

Jesse sat up and sighed. “I don’t know.”

Alexandra began to cry. Jesse hugged her. “I’m sorry. I’m too exhausted to cook now.”

“I wish mom is back and could give us dinner,” said Alexandra. Jesse nodded.

They eventually had cereal for dinner. After dinner, Alexandra did the dishes while Jesse tried his best to do a bit of homework.

At 10:30, Jesse’s mother was still out. Jesse called his mom, but she didn’t pick up the phone. “Okay Alexandra, it’s time for bed now.”

“Where’s mom?” Alexandra asked as she walked to her room yawning.

“I don’t know. She didn’t answer the phone.” Jesse said, “We can’t wait for her.”

Jesse took a shower and brushed his teeth before he called his mom again. This time she was calling someone else. Jesse turned off the lights outside and returned to his room. He shut the door and tucked into his bed. It was finally time for himself in his tiny room, he thought. There was little empty space in his bedroom after getting the essential furniture: his bed, a closet, and a smallest desk available at the local furniture store. Well, Alexandra’s room was even worse. It was originally the storage and had no windows.

However, Jesse couldn’t sleep. “What’s wrong with my mom?” Jesse thought, “I must talk to her. I can’t attend school, work, and take care of Alexandra like this all the time. It’s also problematic always asking Brian’s dad to pick up Alexandra.”

One more call at midnight. No response. Damn. Jesse got out of his room, and waited for his mom in the living room.


The woman returned home at one o’clock and found her son waiting for her.

“Jesse, you don’t have to wait for me. Is Alexandra in bed now?” She was a bit surprised.

“Mom, we are having a hard time! Can you stop going to the bar every evening?” Jesse shouted.

“Jesse, first of all, I haven’t been to the bar for a while as I need to drive home. I’m also stressed after work. Can’t I get some enjoyments?” Jesse’s mom replied.

“But you have me and Alexandra! You can go and have fun, but fix things at home first.”

“Jesse, you’re 16 now. You are supposed to help me with things at home. I’m tired and don’t want to argue with you.”

“Can’t you see that we are already helping you out every day?! Do you think the groceries refill themselves automatically when you don’t go to the grocery store?”

“But I’m the one who cleans up the bathroom. We both work and take care things at home. We should cooperate instead of blame each other like what you’re doing now!”

Alexandra was awakened by the quarrel. She sat up on her bed, or maybe closet. The bed had several drawers below the mattress. A bed with enough drawers was necessary because there was no space for a full-size closet in her bedroom. Alexandra turned on the lamp on the chair. Yes, other than the bed was only a chair playing the role of an end table. She cried.

The quarrel outside paused as they heard Alexandra crying. Jesse’s mom turned to Alexandra’s room. “Alexandra, are you alright?” Jesse’s mother asked. Alexandra didn’t respond. Jesse fetched her some tissue.

“Did you have a nightmare? Did something go wrong at school?” Jesse’s mother was baffled. First Jesse said they were having a hard time; now Alexandra was crying in the middle of the night.

“No, I feel bad about myself.” Alexandra replied.

“Why?” Jesse’s mother was even more confused.

“Sorry, I’m bringing everyone troubles.” Alexandra whispered.

Jesse’s mother said: “No, you are not. We all need other people’s help, especially at a young age.”

Jesse spoke up: “If you are thinking about not bringing trouble to Laura’s dad, I feel the same way, but it’s NOT your fault. Guess what, I will figure out a way with mom.”

“Wait, what does this have to do with Laura’s dad?”

“Come on, since you don’t take her to school, we go to my school first every time. Brian’s dad drives him to school and picks up Alexandra there. Laura is Brian’s little sister by the way. After school, Laura’s dad sometimes takes Alexandra to his house first. Then I take Alexandra home from their home after work.”

Alexandra agreed: “Yes, this pattern has continued for a month ever since Laura learned that I take the bus to school.”

Jesse’s mother blushed. “Oh…”

“See? Something’s not quite right here,” said Jesse.

“Okay,” said Jesse’s mother, “now I know something is wrong with my plans. It’s pretty late now. Let’s talk about it tomorrow when we have a clear mind.”


At 10:30, Jesse was wakened up by a spam call. Shit, Jesse thought. As he saw the call history, he recalled the phone call from Ms. Smith yesterday. Jesse couldn’t fall back to sleep and went straight to his mother’s bedroom.

“Mom, I need to tell you something ASAP.”

“What’s up?” Jesse’s mother yawned.

“I received a call from Alexandra’s teacher yesterday.”

“What?! Why did she call you before calling me?” Jesse’s mom immediately got up.

“Mom! Ms. Smith emailed you before, and she did call you. Ms. Smith called me simply because she can’t reach out to you.”

“Alright, did she tell you what’s wrong with Alexandra?” Jesse’s mother grabbed her phone and checked out her email. “By the way, I didn’t find any email from Ms. Smith.”

“It doesn’t matter whether you received the email or not now. Alexandra is depressed. We must do something.” Jesse continued, “Ms. Smith warned me it will become a matter of child neglect!”

His mother was stunned. “Alright, I’ll contact Ms. Smith.” She finally spoke after one minute of silence.

“Also, Ms. Smith asked whether we could come to school when she called me yesterday. Will you work on Monday? If you don’t, pick Alexandra up after school and meet Ms. Smith then…” Jesse heard something outside and paused.

Alexandra was eating Oreos in the kitchen. Jesse and his mother went out. “Alexandra, put down the cookies. We’ll prepare brunch.”

At brunch, Jesse’s mother thought it was time to talk to Alexandra. “Alexandra, Ms. Smith said you are sad. What happened?”

Alexandra immediately put down her spoon but didn’t say anything. Jesse put down his toast too. “Mom,” he said, “something is wrong with what you are doing now. I’m serious.”

“Jesse,” said his mother, “I am trying to figure out what went wrong.”

“Well, you are my mom. You should know better than I do.”

“Why would I know better? I already struggled so hard to pay the bills and deal with you guys.”

“But I’m the one who first received Ms. Smith’s call! You are not taking care of Alexandra.”

Alexandra began to weep. “Look,” said her stepmother, “I miss your dad so much that I’m also sad.” The woman sighed.

“Mom, I miss dad too!” Alexandra began to cry.

“Okay, I see you loved her father so much. Then take good care of Alexandra!” Jesse exclaimed. Alexandra cried even harder, and Jesse handed her the Kleenex box.

“Jesse, what’s wrong with you?”

“What’s wrong with you?!” Jesse shouted. He could no longer tolerate this. “It is what it is. You can’t get away from the reality. I’m stressed out too!”

“I don’t want to argue with you now and upset Alexandra. I’m going to work now.” His mother put last chunk of the sausage into her mouth and left the table. She went back to her room, grabbed her bag, and went out.


In the afternoon, Jesse’s mother received a call from her son’s phone. “Jesse, what’s up?”

It was a woman’s voice from the other side of the phone: “I’m Jesse’s boss Polly. Ma’am, are you Jesse’s mother?”

“Yes, why are you calling me? What happened?” Jesse’s mother was immediately alerted.

“I need to inform you that Jesse was injured at work. We are already at the ER. Please come to Lakeside Memorial Hospital immediately.”

Frightened, Jesse’s mother left work right away and drove to the ER.

“What happened?!” Jesse’s mother shouted at Polly seeing Jesse unconscious.  “Ma’am, I really apologize. It was an accident…” Polly stammered, “The sign…went loose…and fell on Jesse when I asked him to clean it.”

Meanwhile, Alexandra was at home alone. It was time for Jesse to come back, she thought. She called Jesse but received no response.

Alexandra waited for 30 minutes and called again. This time Jesse’s mother picked up the phone: “Alexandra, Jesse got hurt. We’re at the hospital now. I’ll be back ASAP.” Alexandra cried. What could she do now? Jesse’s mother also wept on the other side of the phone.

At night, Jesse was finally admitted to the hospital after a series of evaluation and paperwork. His mom returned home. She hugged Alexandra and wept with her…


4人评论了“The Everyday Problems”

  1. 作者阐述:
    我是从游戏The Sims 3中得到启发塑造了故事中这样一个重组家庭,也是由于这个游戏的设置我选择将故事设定在美国的一个小城。故事中的人物在游戏中有对应的人物(好吧有关他们的存档我已经删除了),故事中人物的特质也与游戏中的人物有相同之处。
    为了故事的准确与合理,我特意Google了一些信息,也与任课老师探讨了许多细节的合理性。比如说:美国法律规定不让12岁以下的孩子“独自行动”(所以Alexandra放学后独自回家是Jesse和他妈的失职);在美帝小学开始上课的时间比高中要晚一阵,所以Jesse必须在他去学校和Alexandra去学校之间求助朋友帮忙安顿她。一番周折下来,情节的合理性还是有不足之处,比如说我的当地同学告诉我美国的学校老师除非是medical emergency不会给学生的家人直接打电话(打给一个未成年人更不合理了),所以我在文中说明了Ms. Smith一直无法联系到Alexandra的监护人。

    1. 当然想知道这个家庭接下来怎样了(结尾看到了希望的曙光(?))



      1. 哎呀,关于创作意图我没想那么多,当时应该主要在想着交作业……

